Thursday, October 20, 2011

If I Only Had Some Brainsssss.....

Crows are the Devil's messengers or so the old story goes.  I love crows, and so far I have not received any of the Devil's messages.  I'm kind of glad too, I just don't have the time to be running errands for anybody else.  Scarecrows on the other hand.  They seem to creep people out more than they do the crows.  Always, slinking off their crosses and hacking people up with their giant scythes.  Mistress Violet Strychnine here with another fist full of fatal fury.  Tonight's film just happens to be all about a giant scythe wielding scarecrow who creeps up on a bunch of paramilitary bank robbers who happen to hiding in a cornfield.  It's the 1988 film Scarecrows.  What's so scary about a killer who is stuffed with hay and wears a potato sack?  Just light the damn thing on fire.  But not so fast!  Just think, what if you left your lighter at home?  Hmmm.  Now you have no defenses and you are fucked my spooky little friend.  The scarecrow is gonna get you and eat your entrails.  All because you don't smoke anymore.  Think about that?  So you have a choice, start smoking again or get mauled by a scarecrow.  The choice is yours.  Only 12 days left my wretched dirts specks.  Until tomorrow. xoxo

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