Sunday, November 13, 2011

Rave Review.

Hey there my little mongrels.  You know I think of you all as my own little bastards don't you?  Well, I do.  Just don't ask me for money you no good little brat.  You will always disappoint me.  Anywho, I don't know about you but I've been suffering from a serious Halloween hangover. I spend all year waiting for Halloween to come (adding to the decorations that are still up from last year, replacing the rotted jack-o-lantern goo in my carpet for new un-rotted jack-o-lanterns, stocking up and eating lots of discounted candy, and of course watching lots of scary films.)  The sad part is that before you know it my favorite time of year has passed and I have to wait a whole fucking year for the next one.  Unless of course you're me.  In this house it's Halloween all the time.  Mistress Violet Strychnine here with another post Halloween kick in the teeth.  Tonight's feature is the 2009 indie rager Sweatshop.  A bunch of punks and goths and ravers and psychobillies and a normal guy (oooh scary!) decide to have a rave in an abandoned sweatshop.  Unfortunately for them it just happens to be home to a man-beast carrying a giant hammer to bash people with.  Plus, his lady friends have really sharp teeth and like to eat people.  So pretty much not such a good place to take lots of drugs and play with glo-sticks.  Then again, there's never a good time to play with glo-sticks.  Well, the kids get slaughtered.  Oh, and there's a testicle eating scene.  All in all a pretty great effort with a small budget and lot's of great gore and plenty of laughs.  Sweatshop is fun for the whole family.