Saturday, October 5, 2019

Wasteland Creeps

Hardware (1990)

Directed by Richard Stanley

It's no secret that I am a big fan of the cyberpunk, future noir, post apocalyptic aesthetic. Blade Runner is one of my top ten films of all time and I wish I could be backlit by neon lighting at all times. I always dreamed of having a cybernetic arm that could crush metal and turn into a katana or something real cool like that. So it's very delightful for me when someone spills horror into my cyberpunk. Hardware is like a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup. Two great tastes in one.

Dylan McDermott plays Moses, he is an ex-marine drifter who brings his sometimes girlfriend Jill  (wonderfully played by Stacey Travis) a pile of robot trash from the wasteland. She makes art out of trash so perfect... until it's not. Meanwhile, there is a creepy balding stalker guy with a ponytail in a kimono spying on her with a telescope and crank-calling her vid-phone.

Iggy Pop plays a wasteland radio jockey and Lemmy from Motorhead plays a sewer cab driver. It's so great. Plus all the lighting is all neon or red wasteland and the music is perfect. This movie has everything. Robot arms, wasteland bounty hunters, killer robots, slow motion nakedness, dudes chopped in half.

After the apocalypse happens I'm going to be a cyborg wasteland ninja. Either that or a cyborg wasteland killer robot killer. You know, kill robots that kill people. Or maybe I'll open up a cyborg noodle food stall. What are you gonna do? 

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