Monday, October 7, 2019

The Blairfast Club.

Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000)

Directed by Joe Berlinger

Okay, don't leave. If you even came here in the first place. I know what you're going to say. "There was a Blair Witch 2?" Yes, yes there was and it's a super fun semi-guilty pleasure of mine. If you liked the first film but get motion sickness at found footage films like I do and you want to see the continued story of the Burkittsville Seven and Elly Kedward (aka The Blair Witch) you should give it a chance. It's a little more of a standard type horror film. Kinda like The Breakfast Club but more hiking and witches.

There's the rebel (who happens to be their guide and an escaped mental patient; maybe), the goth girl (she's cool and my favorite just like in the Breakfast Club), the jock (well not really but one of the girl's is kinda sporty and wears a North Face jacket), the nerd (also debatable but the other dude is kind of annoying and thinks he knows everything), and the princess (well... okay she's more of a hippy witch so yeah...). They go in search of the Blair Witch just like the first group of kids who disappeared and the video footage of their murders were found in some hillbilly's yard or something (It's been a little bit since I watched the first one.). Seems like a bad idea and it turns out that it is a super bad idea.

Are they going crazy? Can you find the secrets words and puzzles in some of the shots? Is the goth girl going to spider-web dance and murder everyone? Is the hippy witch going to get naked and sit dance on a skull statue? Is the rebel going to take everyone to his creepy house which happens to be a creepy garage and dangerously play with a chainsaw and say weird shit? Maybe. Or maybe the Blair Witch is like the Principal in the Breakfast Club and tries to force the group to do weird shit and waste their Saturday. Watch and find out.

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