Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hairy Girls.

Once in a while I have to pluck a strange hair or two off my shoulder. I see it there and start to think that perhaps I'm going through the change. Ya know "Grandma, what big eyes you have." and all that. I only know one or two Gypsies and they're real nice so I can't really see myself getting cursed by them. I was bit by a dog once. Oh dear, I hope I'm not becoming a were-schnauzer. That would be horrific. They always have that brown drippy stuff hanging off their matted beards. Just put me out of my misery.

Violet Strychnine here with another vat of viciously vile venom. Tonight's triple feature contains a duo of Canadian high school girls that have a few unwanted hair problems of their own. Ginger and Brigitte have all sorts of wolfy hijinx and no amount of marijuana, Nair, or silver bullets can help them.

The 2000 film Ginger Snaps starts it all off with a disturbing case of puberty setting in on the girls, especially Ginger who's starting to get hairy palms. Ginger starts to put streaks in her hair and wear shorter skirts and it's all up to Brigitte and her drug dealer friend to make things right again.

In 2003 came Ginger Snaps II: Unleashed. This time around Ginger is a ghost and Brigitte is in a drug rehab. Now Brigitte has problems being hairy and with the help of her new, super shy friend she looks for a cure.

In 2004 the Ginger trilogy took a turn towards the past with Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning. Set in Canadian frontier times the girls now take refuge in a fort filled with asshole soldiers and a guy with a werewolf baby. One of the girls get bit again and more hairy hijinx ensues.

Well, that's it for now my caustic cretins. Only 17 days until Halloween. Until then, shave your hairy bits and stay safe. xoxo

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