Thursday, October 17, 2019

Hello Nurse!

Silent Hill (2006)

Directed by Christophe Ganz

It's no secret that I love video games. Especially survival horror games like Silent Hill and Resident Evil. So maybe I am biased but this film is definitely one of the best video game horror films ever made. Okay, so that statement doesn't mean much considering the only other films to compare to are the Resident Evil franchise which to also still be honest I love but I know that they are pretty bad (Milla Jovovich is the bees knees) and the Rock's "so bad it's bad" film DOOM.

The film is in no way perfect but there is tons of creepy imagery and the music is so good and eerie. It definitely feels like the game series come to life. The one thing I don't care for is Alessa. The young person portraying her is pretty guilty of cheesy acting. Plus her bad "evil Alessa" wig tries to act all on its own.  But don't let that stop you. There is still tons going from it. Creepy squishy armless creatures spewing acid. Melting and crawling fiery babies. Pyramid head dragging his giant sword/axe thing. The iconic fucked up blind and bandaged nurses. Yeah, good stuff.

""He who is not bold enough
to be stared at from across
the abyss is not bold enough
to stare into it himself.
The truth can only be learned
by marching forward.

Follow the map.
There's a letter and a wrench."

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