Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Terror in Your Television.

Don't sit so close to the television set my dear.  Your eyes will set fire and melt out of your face.  It's a scientific fact.  Remember when renting a horror film meant going down to your local creepy video store where the scary serial killer looking guy behind the counter would point you towards the horror isle and you would go and stand there for an hour just looking at all the cool VHS boxes and picking a few based solely on how much blood or breasts was on the front cover.  Those were the days.  You'd be like "Wow, Rawhead Rex looks awesome!  Or, Video Dead!  Yes that must be a serious winner!"  Only to get it home and watch it and even though it ended up being one of the most boring dumb movies you ever watched for some weird reason you still loved it.  I guess, in a way it represented freedom.  I could watch what I want, when I want in my own crypt.  I still remember the cover to Rawhead Rex and the film is really terrible!  Mistress Violet Strychnine here with another mental meltdown streaming live via satellite.  Speaking of films that were bad yet somehow I've managed to watch it more than twenty times (and find it totally enjoyable every time), I give you the 1986 slime fest TerrorVision.  A couple of swingers install a brand spanking new satellite dish and unbekownst to them a man eating alien with one giant eyeball rides down the TV signal and eats up the family.  It sure is a good thing that Grandpa keeps an arsenal in his bomb shelter/ bedroom.  It's up to little kid Sherman, his totally punk sister and her boy toy O.D. (played by schlock veteran Jon Gries), and a well armed Gramps.  Oh, and the local horror host Medusa takes a swing at the slimy skin sack as well.  Only 20 days of Halloween left my pretty putrid ponies.  Beware, perhaps your TV is watching you. xoxo

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